[A] 质量问题调换货承诺:
1. 所调换商品要求具备商品完整的外包装、配件、调换货原因的说明。
2. 因为是网络销售,为了减少不必要的麻烦,我们设有专人一一检查货品以确保衣服没有瑕疵。如果衣服有质量问题,请在收货后两天内与我们的客服人员联系商讨调换事宜。
3. 有质量问题的商品只能进行调换同一款的商品,不能退换其它的商品。
4. 我们认可的瑕疵为:非人为破损、大面积脏污、装饰脱落。
5. 有质量问题的商品在保证期内进行的退换,邮费本店并不会承担。
[B] 下列情况不属于质量问题调换范围:
1. 产品曾被非正常使用,修改,滥用,误用;
2. 非正常条件下存储、暴露在潮湿环境中;
3. 暴露在温度过高或过低温度中;
4. 未经授权的修理、误用、疏忽、滥用、事故、改动;
5. 不可抗力导致的损坏;
6. 食物或液体溅落导致的损坏;
7. 退回产品外包装不完整,配件及所附资料不全;
8. 商品经拆标,洗涤穿着过的商品;
9. 超出质量保证期,有线头、车工不好、一点点的小污点、下水洗过退色/缩水、小于3cm的脱线 勾针等;
10. 本店一律不接受以颜色不喜欢,穿着不舒服,做工质量不好,没有图片中的漂亮,好透明,太大或者太小等理由进行调换
[A] Exchange Policy:
1. All exchange item should have original packing, accessories, and reason of exchange
2. To reach the target of hassle free internet purchase, we are done strictly for every item,in case if you found any defective products, please contact us in 2 days time for exchange after receiving it.
3. Exchange item is allowed to change for the same model only
4. Our terms of definition for defects includes, manufacturing defect, large area of dirt, decoration of clothes is missing
5. Exchange for defective products must be done within period stated, additional postal fee will not be paid by us.
[B] Conditions that are not under Exchange Policy:
1. Misuse or mishandling of product,
2. Incorrect storing method, i.e. in damp environment,
3. Exposure to too high or too low temperature,
4. Any alteration done to product
5. Dirt cause by food and drinks
6. Any exchange done without contacting our customer service
7. Any product returned with incomplete packing and accessories
8. Tag was removed and wore item
9. Exceeded exchange period, small area of dirt, washed.
10. We do not accept exchange reason like buyer changed their mind, product not as nice as display image, too big or too small etc.